Change playback speed with slider
Play your video faster or slower. Play at 0.5X to 2.0X
iPhone with iOS8+
iPad with iOS8+
Change playback speed with slider
Supports multitasking and remote controller
User configurable gestures! Seek, next track, bookmark, speed...
Best app I've ever used Excellent video player that I use on average 4 hours a day. The multitouch gestures are excellent(though some like the three fingered tap are a little easily misinterpreted). Actually for the most part better than vlc player on my pc, which is really saying something. Great for watching school lectures without getting distracted by other things on the computer. This app is really making my time in medical school much more productive. Only gripe is that I wish you could increase the speed up to 3x, as some lecturers really are just that slow. Thanks again for making such an amazing app. I'd recommend it to anyone.
- nokiii456 on 11/05/13THE MOST EPIC VIDEO APP EVER!!!!!! I've been looking for an app like this for a very long time! Not sure why apple didn't do this as a default app to begin with, but whatever... So many features for the price is WELL worth the money! A+ in my book! Keep up the good work!
- Snakewynd on 10/14/13Best app I've used in my life Are you in college? You need this app. Download all your course material, then watch it double speed on the go. This means you can speed up all the slow dry lectures and get to the core of every subject easily. The semester after I downloaded this app I went from a 3.55 to a 4.0 yes perfect As in every subject. Plus I can control it with a Bluetooth headset for true portability - and pause play using the headset without accessing my device. PLUS you can listen to videos with the screen off to save battery and prevent seeking whilst your device is in your pocket. GET THIS APP!!!!! I have tried many music apps and finally I found the best. Awesome !!!!!
- Ujjay on on 09/04/13Awesome app - couldn't live without it It saves so much time, watching training videos at 1.5x or 2x speed. This app works beautifully - I love the feature to zoom in with a pinch gesture; also the great timeline controls. Highly recommended!
- EricBobrow on on 08/29/13The Best App In The World This is the best iPad app ever written. I'm not joking. If you like to load videos onto your iPad and watch them, this app has every feature you ever wanted, at an unbelievable price. The gesture interface is perfect. It's also extremely stable. It could perhaps support more codecs, but my video library is all .mp4 / .m4v, and they all play great.
- Craig8128 on on 08/23/13mix1009 has been developing commercial applications for 15+ years. Worked on a lot of interesting projects and products:
We are currently interested in media apps for iOS & Android platform.
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